Foreign language A (LVA) - English


The objective of this conference class is twofold: to gain knowledge and understanding of the Anglo-Saxon world (United Kingdom, United States and Commonwealth), and to develop language proficiency (written and oral comprehension, written and oral expression). The main objective is to give students the tools to develop a critical cross-cultural approach, while consolidating their theoretical knowledge. Thus, students are required to present synthetic readings, identify the different language registers and develop well- structured reasoning. The aim here is to be able to present a theme, to express a personal point of view and to support it with well-reasoned arguments. Various types of materials are used (texts, audio-visual documents, iconographic documents, theoretical writings...), all related to current events.

Preparation classes are also  available for students wishing to write the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test for foreign language proficiency certification, in view of the year abroad (second year of the program).

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

A good command of the basic linguistic components: verbal structures (conjugation, forms, modal verbs, tenses, etc.), the nominal group (articles, adjectives, pronouns, etc.), syntax (simple sentence and complex sentence).


  • Fichaux, F. & Loubignac, C., Fiches de civilisation américaine et britannique, Paris : Ellipses, 2011.
  • Lepioufle, J. & Robin, T., English in the Media, Paris : Belin, 2010.
  • Mauk, D., & Oakland, J., American Civilization: An Introduction, London: Routledge, 2009.
  • Nobel, I., Anglais appliqué: droit, science politique, Paris: Montchrestien, 2007.
  • Oakland, J., British Civilization : An Introduction, London: Routledge, 2010.

Educational formula

The method conferences are both content classes and seminars based on the active participation of students. They focus on general cultural issues related to English-speaking countries. The themes are generally presented in the form of presentations/debates: summary, commentary, press review, detailed presentation of an issue, role-playing, presentation of small group projects... During the sessions, the emphasis is on written and oral communication. Preparation (individually and/or in groups) prior to the class is essential. Efforts to address possible deficiencies (knowledge and language) are part of students’ individual work.

In brief

Year First year

Teaching languageEnglish

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 4.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Forest Amandine [+]

Houdayer Corinne

Educational manager :
Allafort Jean-François [+]