General knowledge


The general knowledge approach is a transverse approach combining the application of knowledge and critical thinking  (understood in the etymological sense of the word "critical": " having the knowledge, ability, or discernment to pass judgment "). The method seminar in general knowledge provides an opportunity to merge knowledge from different disciplines in the fields of human and social sciences, taught at Sciences Po Bordeaux. It combines different disciplines and types of knowledge, as a basis for a reflection on the contemporary world. The General knowledge class combines methodology, acquisition and further development of knowledge, and builds on solid spatial and temporal benchmarks (importance of history and geography, history of ideas) and promotes the development of informed personal opinions. It provides an opportunity to develop written and oral expression, solid argumentation and debating skills.

Program : Sound, writing and image

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Should have good knowledge of daily current affairs. Consistent study in the history of ideas. Consistent curiosity about all forms of cultural expression. Regular reading of classical and contemporary works.

Educational formula

Various exercises are performed. Some are oral exercises: presentations, geographic recognition (2 per semester), reading reports, film reviews, Final oral exam (or “Grand oral”) ... As a specific exercise, the Final Oral exam is conducted as follows: Following 30 minutes of preparation, the student conducts a 10-minute presentation based on a straight question, a quotation or a document (text, caricature, photography, statistics, etc.). It is followed by a 20-minute discussion. All students will be required to practice  for the Grand oral.

Other exercises are written exercises: 2 detailed essay plans, 2 essays (trial run), knowledge test.

In brief

Year Third year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 5.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Forest Amandine [+]

Prévot Christophe [+]

Educational manager :
Taliano Françoise [+]