Foreign language B (LVB) - Italian


This course has three objectives: It aims to develop the students’ knowledge of the Italian culture and society, to provide some insight into the Italian political system, and finally, to improve their proficiency in Italian.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Linguistic level A2


  • Raoul BOCH, “Le Robert & Zanichelli il Boch” - Dictionnaire français-italien et italien-français, Le Robert, 2015.
  • Odette et George ULYSSE, Précis de Grammaire italienne, Hachette Éducation, 1988.
  • T. MARIN - S. MAGNELLI, Nuovo Progetto Italiano 2, Edilingua, 2013.
  • Pierre MILZA, Histoire de l’Italie - Des origines à nos jours Hachette Pluriel, 2013.

Educational formula

Oral presentations about Italian history or current affairs .

In brief

Year Third year

Teaching languageItalian

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 5.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Forest Amandine [+]

Prévot Christophe [+]

Educational manager :
Marangoni Marco [+]