Public budget analysis


This is a 24-hour course combining theoretical lectures and practical situational exercises, which should enable students to learn about the operating methods with which public budgets are drafted by local authorities, on the one hand, and through the legislative process within the framework of the LOLF (organic law relating to finance laws), on the other hand.


  • Hamon F., Troper M., Droit constitutionnel, LGDJ.
  • Mélin-Soucramien F., Pactet P., Droit constitutionnel, Sirey.

Educational formula

5 sessions: 2 theoretical sessions; 2 practical sessions with written and oral presentation, by a group of students, of an assignment given the day before; 1 general review session. Students will be assessed for each practical assignment.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Number of hours 24.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Bréhier Emeric [+]