Current affairs in political science research


This class on current affairs in political science research aims to study articles or chapters that have left their mark on political science. Current scientific controversies and debates are at the heart of this class. Although the primary objects of the class are not issues of gender or gender-based inequalities, they will nevertheless be the main or secondary focus of the publications studied. Some sessions will be held in the presence of the authors of the dossier.

The objective is to strengthen students’ knowledge in political science, their ability to situate a text within a broader debate in political science, to reconstruct the scientific reasoning of an author and to determine the contributions and limitations of the research presented. In each session we will address – albeit not exhaustively - a theme, concept, or object related to the discipline before attempting to assess its topicality both from the point of view of the methods used and the results or advances proposed.

Form of assessment

The number of ECTS credits and the assessment methods are likely to be different for students in credit exchange programmes.


  • Gaïti B., Scot M., « Une science sans savants ? Les paradoxes de l’émergence de la science politique en France entre 1945 et 1968 », Revue française de science politique, Vol. 67, p. 13-42, 2017.
  • Avanza M., « Plea for an Emic Approach Towards "Ugly Movements" : Lessons from the Divisions within the Italian Pro-Life Movement », Politics and governance, 6, 2018.
  • Ceka B., Magalhaes P., « Are the rich and the poor equally committed to liberal democracy? Socioeconomic status, inequality and the political status quo », Comparative Politics, 2019.
  • Spire A., Introduction, Résistances à l’impôt, attachement à l’ Etat. Enquête sur les contribuables français, Paris, Le Seuil, 2018.
  • Bezes P., Pierru F., « État, administration et politiques publiques : les dé-liaisons dangereuses. La France au miroir des sciences sociales nord-américaines », Gouvernement et action publique, n° 2, p. 41-87, 2012.

Educational formula

In addition to regular class attendance, students will be expected to read the assigned text – available on the Moodle platform and the shared class folder – prior to each session. Students will have to prepare each session by answering preparatory questions online to help them understand the argumentation presented in the article or book chapter in question (purpose of the text, thematic question, hypotheses, methodology, plan, and ideas put forward).

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activityLecture course

ValidationFinal written examination

Mandatory teaching

Open to exchange students



Educational manager :
Della Sudda Magali [+]