Cultural project design


This seminar is dedicated to the conception and development of a cultural project by a group of students (freely formed by the students themselves during a workshop at the beginning of the school year) supervised by a teacher-tutor. The draft project may follow on from the work conducted in the fourth-year seminar or result from a proposal by the group of students themselves. Proposals must be approved by the person in charge of the seminars before any work can begin.

The aim is for the teams to draft a "Cultural Project" combining an opportunity study and a feasibility study, proposing one or more scenarios and associated proposal variants, and then to present it to the whole class at the end of the second half of the year. This assignment will be graded. Assessments will be based on the students’ ability to define, in an original, coherent, and feasible manner, a cultural project, which will be critically examined. The students are not required to launch the project (although they are allowed to do so).

Educational formula

At the beginning of the year, the students participate in a two-day workshop at the end of which each group of students will propose and adopt a collective work project. Each group will be assigned a tutor whom they must contact within two weeks. The group will then organize itself to gather documentary resources, interview resource persons, and gather the resources (technical, financial, legal, human, etc.) necessary to set up the project. The teacher-tutor will monitor the work of the group and will provide advice and methodological assistance in conducting the work.

Additional information

Class delivered by Hélène Montagnac.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 10.0

Teaching activitySeminar


Mandatory teaching