Public partnership contracts


The place of partnership contracts in public procurement in France (reminder of the prerequisites related to public procurement); the influence of European law and international comparative law (the place of PPP in the world); legal regime and specific provisions of partnership contracts such as a complex administrative contracts - Comparative approaches with the model of concession contracts; presentation of the financial instruments of public action followed by a presentation of the financial aspects of public-private partnerships : contractualization of the financial aspects and comparison with concession contracts (family of PPPs at the international level); management of a project under a partnership contract within a local authority in terms of the overall components (legal, financial and technical).

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Good understanding and command of the main principles of public procurement in France; an academic/theoretical or even practical knowledge of the organization of public procurement in France (type of public contracts, principle of devolution, competitive bidding, advertising, etc.).


  • Braconnier S., Précis du droit de la commande publique : marchés publics et concessions, Le Moniteur, 2017. (à jour des ordonnances 2015 (marchés publics) et 2016 (contrats de concession) et des décrets ; en attente de l’actualisation avec le code de la commande publique entré en vigueur au 1er avril 2019).
  • Partenariats public-privé : enjeux et défis, ouvrage collectif (chaire PPP Sciences Po Bordeaux) sous la direction de Bonin H. et Delzangles H., Ed. Feret, 2016.

Educational formula

Active presentation with PPT type support, and additional support for the financial aspects (diagrams, graphs, fundamental elements); group reading of jurisprudential decisions and collegial oral presentation (analysis, reflection and discussion); electronic file given to the students, containing all the cited legal articles.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Number of hours 12.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Chamming Gaele [+]