Mobility and transport


The purpose of this class is to provide students with the basic knowledge they need to understand the issues and major trends in urban mobility policies. It is organized in 4 parts: historical approach to urban mobility policies; actors, skills, tools; transport planning: indicators, issues, methods; innovations, controversies, and new avenues for mobility policies.


  • Transports publics urbains en France : Organisation institutionnelle, Certu, 2012.
  • Desjardins X., Urbanisme et mobilités : de nouvelles pistes pour l'action, 2017.
  • Gonzalez Alvarez A., La mort de « Mobilien » ou l’innovation au risque de la concertation, Gérer et comprendre, n°88, juin 2007, pp. 21-36.
  • Offner J.M., Les plans de déplacements urbains, La Documentation française, 2006.
  • Orfeuil J.P., 2008, Une approche laïque de la mobilité, Éd. Descartes et Cie, 2008.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 6.0

Teaching activitySeminar


Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Gonzalez-Alvarez Antonio [+]