LVB – Arabic


The Arabic method conferences are intended for FIFMA fifth-year students, with an intermediate to advance level in Arabic, i.e. between B1 and B2. The topics covered range from political, economic, social and cultural current affairs and are related to the students’ Master's specialization. The purpose of the class is to provide the students with opportunities to discover or better understand contemporary Arab societies and to acquire the language skills necessary to understand the upheavals that have shaken Arab countries in recent years.

The themes are also presented in various forms: texts, press articles, debates, cartoons or any type of audio/audio-visual documents. Various types of exercises will be performed to develop students’ oral comprehension skills.

Form of assessment

Number of ECTS credits :  2 ; except for the following masters :

› Public Affairs and Representation of Interests : 3 ECTS

› International Politics : 3 ECTS


  • Bescherelle Arabe : les verbes, Hatier, 2008.
  • El Qasem F., Bohas G., Fakhoury M., L’Art de rédiger en arabe moderne, Institut des langues anciennes de L’ENS, 2006.
  • Khalfallah  N., Journal'Arabia, vocabulaire : toutes les expressions qu’il vous faut pour lire aisément la presse arabe, Bréal, 2017.
  • Guidère M., Manuel de traduction français - arabe / arabe - français, Ellipses, 2005.

Educational formula

The class is divided into five parts: viewing of a video or cartoon or reading of a text; listening and thinking; oral comprehension exercises; written compréhension exercises; oral interaction. Various teaching resources are used, including texts, videos, cartoons, audio documents, etc. Depending on the students’ level of proficiency, one or two topics are addressed, for example, water problems, demonstrations in the Arab world, etc.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageArabic

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 2.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Khelef fatma [+]