Managerial practice


The class is organized like a team coaching session with role-playing, personality tests, and analog games, so as to help students understand the main keys to daily team management. Based on what the students bring up, the fundamentals of management are discussed and illustrated with real-life examples. The aim is to identify, for each student, the skills and interests that will enable him/her to manage teams of varying size and composition in the very near future, and to enable him/her to approach these questions pragmatically in order to best perform his/her future duties as head of a department, unit or project.


  • Lenhardt V., Les responsables porteurs de sens.
  • Schutz W., L’élément Humain.
  • d'Ansembourg T., Du Je au Nous: L'intériorité citoyenne : le meilleur de soi au service de tous.

Educational formula

Team coaching process ; facilitation and creativity techniques.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 4.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Guitton Charlotte [+]