Legal issues specific to political occupations


This class delves into the realities of political life, including at local level—Legal as well as political realities. Thus, we will explore voting methods, election campaign rules, the statutes of political parties, the rules governing the statutes of elected officials, the deliberations of local authorities, etc.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Good knowledge of the different levels of local government and of the main political movements in France.


  • Rimbaud R., Le droit des campagnes électorales, LGDJ, 2016.
  • Formery S.L., La Constitution commentée, Hachette Supérieur, Les fondamentaux, 2017.
  • Carcassonne G., La Constitution, Le Seuil, 2002.
  • Hamon F., Troper M., Droit Constitutionnel, LGDJ, 37e édition, 2016-2017.
  • Collectif, La République - Mélanges Pierre Avril, Montchrestien, 2001.

Educational formula

Students must stay informed on national and local political affairs so as to be able to provide concrete examples during class.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Bréhier Emeric [+]