Territorial diagnosis and sector policies


The purpose of this class is for students to explore,  in “the most realistic possible” professional environment, the different phases of an international cooperation project in light of the different existing operational models (decentralized cooperation, NGO action, technical assistance, United Nations, etc.). The contextual research phase enables students to approach an important dimension of territorial development issues from a sectoral perspective, by focusing the analysis on the political, economic, social and environmental situations of a territory at the national level, to conduct an analysis of the actors through a social science methodological approach, using ‘dynamic’ tools when possible, and performing a pre-identification of structural and conjunctural problems affecting the said sector of intervention. The territorial and sectorial diagnosis will help students to better understand the context of intervention in which the project/program they will have to analyze/reinforce is developed.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Students are expected to have attended the “Project mode”, “Actors and instruments of cooperation” and “Mapping of actors” classes.

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal written examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Brodeur Nicolas

Smith Etienne [+]