Social innovation and new models of action


Method conference of introduction to social innovation, in which a conceptual and operational framework for the notion of social innovation will be developed, by providing students with academic and technical knowledge, and by informing the debate through the presentation of case studies. Thus, social innovation is explored from the perspective of the tensions that characterize it, both in terms of theory and practice.


  • Richez-Battesti N., Petrella F. et Vallade D., L’innovation sociale, une notion aux usages pluriels : quels enjeux et défis pour l’analyse?,  Innovations, n°38, p.15-36, 2012/2.

  • Sibille H., La grande promesse. Innovation sociale : inventer les mondes de demain, Paris, Rue de l’Échiquier, 157p., 2016.

  • Lévesque B., Fontan J.M. et Klein J.L.(dir.), L’innovation sociale. Les marches d’une construction théorique et pratique, Québec, PUQ, 451p., 2014.

Educational formula

The method conference lasts a total of 9 hours and is divided into an introductory session and two sessions in which the students will work on case studies.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Duverger Timothée [+]