Mapping of political and institutional actors


This methodological seminar is intended to support students conducting Country Risk and Territorial and Sectoral Diagnostic studies. It has several objectives: Train students to identify the different actors in the political and institutional arenas, to situate them within the political system, to identify the factors of instability and political, social and institutional tensions in the countries of the South, to identify the actors and resources thereof; to use analytical tools and frameworks of political sociology in order to be able to construct diagnoses; to develop multi-scalar, multi-temporal, systemic and interactionist analytical tools; to prepare the Country Risk assessment and the contextual analysis of the project, and to promote the development of original and specific tools.


  • Badie B. et Hermet G., La politique comparée, A. Colin, 2001. 
  • Borgeaud-Garcianda N. et al. (dirs.), Penser le politique en Amérique Latine. La recréation des espaces et formes du politique, Paris, Karthala, 2009.
  • Gazibo M. et Thiriot C. (dirs.), Le politique en Afrique. État des débats et pistes de recherche, Paris, Karthala, 2009.
  • Picard E. (dir), Le politique dans le monde arabe, Paris, Economica, 2006.
  • Sionneau B., Une théorie du risque-pays I & II, Géoéconomie, n° 18 et n° 19, été 2001.

Educational formula

This class places emphasis on the methodology and the implementation of the methodology. It alternates sessions of presentations by the teacher of the thematic issues, analytical frameworks, and of the main categories of actors, with sessions of presentations by groups of students. Week after week, students will gather the materials that will enable them to conduct their Country Risk or Sectoral and Territorial Diagnostic studies and build their mappings and tools for deciphering political, institutional, and social situations.


In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Thiriot Céline [+]